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Carrot-Radish-Daikon Matchstick Salad with Scallions

2 Carrots

1 bunch Radish

1/2 Daikonl

bunch Scallions

Cut carrot, daikon, radish into matchsticks. Slice scallions fine. Add together in bowl and dress with: Dressing: 1 t Tamari 1-1/2 t Brown Rice Vinegar 1/2 t Mirin Let stand for 20-35 minutes Steamed Cabbage with Tamari, Ginger, Mustard Dressing Cut 1/2 cabbage into chunks and steam for 4-5 minutes.

Tamari-Ginger-Mustard Dressing:

2 T Tamari

1 small piece Ginger, grated

1 clove Garlic, chopped fine

1-1/2 t pure ground Mustard

Dilute with 2 oz. of Bancha Tea Pour over cabbage once steamed. You can also do 1/2 cabbage and 1/2 collard greens for variation.

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