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Pregnancy Bed Rest: Doctor's Orders

The prescription of bed rest is used as a safeguard to help prevent possible complications during a pregnancy, as well as avoid a preterm birth. There are different levels of bed rest depending on the severity of the situation. For example, in some forms of bed rest you may not be able to do simple things such as showering or sitting up to eat.

Here are some possible reasons your doctor may recommend bed rest:

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Vaginal bleeding

  • Placenta complications

  • An incompetent cervix

  • Contractions or signs of preterm labor

  • Twins or multiple pregnancies

  • Symptoms or test results showing problems in a baby's growth

Make sure to ask questions regarding the details of your prescribed bed rest so that you know your limitations. Also be sure to ask how long you should remain on bed rest and whether restrictions can be removed if your symptoms improve. This includes whether or not you can sit and lie down, climb the stairs, get up to use the washroom and shower, leave bed to eat at a table, or drive.

Prepare yourself before bed rest for long hours of resting by making sure you have things within reach, such as snacks, a phone, a laptop, tissues, a television remote, books, extra pillows, blankets, and any activities to keep yourself occupied with. Prepare yourself for emotional challenges as well, and don't be afraid to reach out to others for support during these times.

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