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Wellness Top 10

  1. Self Responsibility Until we take responsibility for our actions, our choices, and our mistakes we continue to look outside of ourselves for answers. This is especially apparent in our "health care system" where it has been reinforced that a pill or a potion holds the key to our health. Once we accept that the state of our health today is based on all the choices that we have made in the past, we then take full responsibility and will begin to make changes that lead forward to wellness.

  2. Personal Evolution The body is a living, dynamic organism. We grow, change and eventually evolve based on the things that happen to the body. As we make choices about what we put into the body, we must also make choices about what we have done externally to the body. By working on both the internal and the external environment we move beyond minor changes to large shifts in our health. This eventually leads us into the realm of wellness.

  3. Spiritual Quest In our path to wellness we begin to ask the questions: Where do I come from? and Where do I go? As we unite the physical body, the mental body and the spiritual body we begin to move toward wellness. Each of us will approach this area in a very personal way - we must discover the answers for ourselves. The spiritual quest is a lifelong journey.

  4. Self Care Regime In our hectic and chaotic lives most of us think of self care as simply eating, sleeping and being able to perform our routine. To move into the realm of wellness we must begin to think of self. Our culture has many negative connotations of the word selfish, or the idea of being self-focused. Yet, how are we to be the person we are meant to be without any focus on ourselves and the 'filling of our cup to overflowing'? By creating our unique daily and life self care habits, we will be able to perform all our roles or duties without constantly depleting our own stores.

  5. Nervous System Balance Without a properly functioning and balanced nervous system we cannot align the spine, the mind and the divine. The nervous system is what controls and coordinates the proper functioning of the body. If there is interference or irritation in the system the body i5 affected. We have been lead to believe that you pay attention to the body once there is a symptom or a problem. This approach is a "disease care model". True wellness comes when we focus on creating this balance even in the absence of disease.

  6. Nutrition What we eat fuels the body - garbage in equals garbage out. body uses as building blocks to create new cells and tissues. must begin to think about how and what we eat and put into quality of foods and products that we choose to use. The nutrients from our foods are what the To create a strong and healthy body we our body. True vitality is a result of the quality of foods and products that we choose to use.

  7. Body Work The body we live in is the only one we will have. How we choose to care for it impacts our health and wellness. Most people core more for their cars or possessions than they do for their bodies. Physical problems or symptoms are the body's way of crying out for attention. Why not choose to focus on the balance and wellness of the body before it forces you to do so!

  8. Energy Balancing Energy is universal. It is evident in the body, around the body, and in all interactions with the body. Have you ever noticed how you are attracted to some people's energy and repelled by others? Once we begin to become aware of our energy in all of these areas we can begin to find tools and techniques to work at acquiring balance.

  9. Exercise It is important to exercise the body, the mind and the spirit. Some forms of exercise encompass all three and others include combinations of the three. True wellness requires you to pay some attention to all three areas. It is important to think in terms of balance, flexibility and fitness level.

  10. Coaching Coaching in all of the above areas helps us move from merely a healthy approach to a level of true wellness. Coaching also helps create a cycle, or full circle. The more self responsible we are the more we approach each area in a different way. The more vitality we have, again we approach each area differently. The examples are endless. It is through a coaching model that we can move from health to wellness, and begin to see endless possibilities.

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