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The Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Being a blood donor is not only rewarding, but actually has health benefits. Think of these as life's way of paying you back for your life-saving contribution. Here are four ways in which your body can benefit from your generosity:

  1. Lower Iron Levels: High iron levels in your blood can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and damaged arteries. Every time you give blood, it lowers your body's iron levels, which lowers your risk of developing heart disease.

  2. Reduced Risk of Cancer: It is safe to donate blood every three months for men, and every four months for women. Consistent donations will actually drop your cancer risk levels each time you donate. Donating blood has been associated with a lower risk of liver, lung, colon, stomach, and throat cancers in regular donors.

  3. Reduced Risk of Heart Attack: Years of regular blood donation can lower your risk of heart attack by 88%, as well as your risk of stroke and other severe cardiovascular events by 33%.

  4. Replenish Blood: Your body naturally restores and replenishes blood supplies in the event of blood loss. Thus, when you donate blood, your body will replenish this supply within 48 hours and restore any lost red blood cells within four to eight weeks. Such replenishment can help your body work more efficiently and stay healthy

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