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The Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

There are many benefits to exercising during pregnancy as long as complications don't limit your ability to do so. Here are some reasons to continue with your fitness routine during pregnancy:

Exercise makes you feel better by boosting energy levels, relieving backaches, strengthening and toning muscles, reducing constipation, lubricating your joints, preventing wear and tear on your body, and establishing a better sleep routine by relieving stress and anxiety.

Exercise also improves your physique and gives you a healthy glow by increasing blood flow to your skin. It will also prepare your body for birth by strengthening your muscles, keeping your heart healthy, assisting you to gain control over your breathing, and increasing your endurance.

You will also regain your pre-pregnancy bodyweight more quickly in exercising by gaining less fat during your pregnancy. Discuss with your doctor the level of exercise you should be doing, as well as adjustments to be made to your current routine prior to beginning. Avoid bouncing, leaping, sudden changes in direction, and risk of abdominal injuries by practicing exercise such as dancing, swimming, water aerobics, yoga, Pilates, biking, and walking.

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