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Plantar Faciitis Foot Pain

If you are experiencing recurring pain in your feet, you may be dealing with a condition called "plantar faciitis." The plantar fascia is located in the sole of the foot. This thick, fibrous, connective tissue helps support the arch, extending its full length when the foot is pressed on the ground and supporting body weight.

Plantar faciitis is a painful inflammation that occurs when the plantar fascia has been stretched too far. Fiat feet, high arches, poorly fitting footwear, increased weight, or a sudden increase in activity can lead to this condition.

Symptoms include tenderness on the inside of the heel, pain in the morning or upon standing after resting for a long duration, pain after or during activity, and pain when the foot is at rest.

To help alleviate this pain, plan more rest in your daily routine, wear proper footwear, perform foot stretches in the morning, as well as before and after activity, use orthotics, and ice your heels to decrease inflammation.

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