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Oil Pulling for Dental Health

Oil pulling comes from the Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine, that dates back to the Vedic Period in India. in the mid-second millennium BCE.

Oil pulling basically means replacing your mouthwash with virgin oil_ and working it around your mouth for a few minutes. I do my oil pullings with coconut oil. but you can use any cold-pressed virgin vegetable oil. Coconut, sunflower, and sesame oils seem to be the favorites. What you need to do is, when you wake up, or at any time of day on an empty stomach, take about a tablespoon of oil and move it around your mouth without swallowing. Swish the oil through your teeth, and around your entire mouth, do this for as long as you can. ideally 20 minutes. You can do it in the morning while you shower and do your other morning routines, this way the time will go by without you even noticing.

After doing this for 20 minutes, DO NOT spit it in the toilet or sink, and rinse your mouth_ thoroughly with water. The process is very easy, and the benefits are very much worth it. When you work the oil around your mouth. it reacts with your saliva, activating key enzymes that draw toxins out of the blood through the mucous membrane of your mouth. The reason why you should do the treatment for 20 minutes is it allows time for the oil to "seep" into the periodontal pockets in your mouth. The extended time of the pulling keeps the antibacterial agent in the mouth long enough to reach and pull out the harmful bacteria responsible for many of our ailments. it is very important ro-keep in mind NOT to swallow the oil after pulling. since it will have become contaminated and toxic, as it has pulled out all the toxins and impurities in vour oral cavity.

Here are. among the many reported, my top 10 benefits of oil pulling.

  1. Teeth whitening, together with overal oral health. Prevents cavities, gingivitis_ and bad breath. Helps stop bleeding, gums and prevents dryness of the lips, mouth and throat. You will start seeing your teeth whiter and brighter after a few days of doing your oil pullings.

  2. Helps relief migraine headache and pain relief.

  3. Reduces inflammation of arthritis, and joint pain.

  4. Helps support normal kidney function, and prevent gastro-intestinal illnesses and problems. Oil pulling is very effective in helping, detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms. Aids with constipation problems.

  5. Reduces the symptoms of allergies, and may help reduce symptoms of bronchitis and sinus congestion.

  6. Improves skin health, and aids in the reduction of eczema.

  7. Aids in the correction of hormone imbalances, regulating menstrual cycles, and reducing PMS symptoms.

  8. Reduces hangover after alcohol consumption.

  9. Helps have clearer mind, increased energy and faster metabolism.

  10. Improves the quality of your sleep and may help with insomnia problems.

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