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  1. Greatly Reduce: Refined sugar or anything that contains "ose", (e.g., sucrose, fructose). Sugar weakens the immune System and can cause fatigue by causing blood sugar fluctuation. Replace with: Natural sweeteners such as: grade B maple syrup, Stevia, barley malt, sucanat, or Lo Han Quo. Purchase from your local health store or Trader Joe's.

  2. Greatly Reduce: White flour, white flour products like bread, pasta, muffins, pastries, and bagels. These foods Turn to sugar in the blood and do not contain any significant nutritional value. Replace with: Whole grain products like millet, amaranth, quinoa, wild rice, and brown rice.

  3. Eliminate: Canned fruits and vegetables, as they contain no nutritional value. Replace with: Fresh garden, organic produce, or organic frozen vegetables (no pesticides).

  4. Eliminate: High fat red meat and pork. Replace with: Fish, organic range chicken, turkey, wild game, low sodium soy products like tofu, and legumes. Use low fat organic grass fed beef and pork sparingly (no more than twice a week).

  5. Greatly Reduce: Cow Dairy products, such as milk and cheese, as they can suppress the immune system, due to lactose intolerance, and contain they large amounts of growth hormones. Replace with: Soymilk, or soy/rice milk blends, almond milk, nut milks, organic, sugar free yogurt, goat yogurt, goat cheese, and small amounts of organic cottage cheese or cheese (hormone free and use sparingly)

  6. Eliminate: Soft drinks, high fructose fruit juices, any drink containing sugar or fructose. Replace with: Purified water, fresh mixed green vegetable juices, diluted fresh fruit juices (1/4 cup of juice to 3/4 cups of water) Herbal teas, green drinks. Try not to have more than one cup of coffee per day.

  7. Eliminate: All fried and fatty foods (they are carcinogenic) and deli meats (they usually contain chemical compounds and nitrates). Replace with: Whole foods that have been steamed, broiled, baked, or food sauteed in cooking wine or water.

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