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Basic Human Anatomy 101


  • helps balance & regulate metabolism

  • if sluggish — may experience coldness, lethargy, weight gain

  • If over-active — may experience heart palpitations, weight loss

  • need to support adrenals at same time


  • primary means of removing toxic waste from the cells and the mesenchyme

  • when overburdened, toxic waste can build-up in the body

  • toxic waste accumulation can lead to deterioration in overall cellular function and stress on the circulatory system


  • comprised of the heart, blood, blood vessels

  • blood provides nutrients, removes waste products and carries oxygen


  • main filtration system of the blood

  • keep the body from being overwhelmed with toxic waste

  • regulation of essential minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride)

  • most overworked and under-nourished system in our body

  • take abuse from lack of pure water, consumption of carbonated beverages, coffee, tea and alcohol


  • essential minerals used by the body to bind with excess acid production or accumulation

  • the body utilizes and depletes these minerals when the quantity of acids is excessive


  • the pathway that all nutrients, toxins and hormones must pass through in order to allow for communication between cells

  • when this area becomes overburdened with waste products, the nutritional needs of the cell, as well as the waste elimination demands of the cell, are greatly compromised


  • healthy cells make healthy bodies

  • all life activity occurs at the cellular level

  • cellular metabolism can be inhibited or stimulated by exposure to substances


  • virus will bind with the genetic material of cells and cause metabolic alterations


  • the "furnace" inside the cell that burns food for energy • the powerhouse of the cell and therefore of the body

  • when not working optimally, one may experience fatigue, lowered immune response


  • major metabolic organ in the body

  • responsible to removing toxins

  • major blood reservoir, blood filtration organ, removes bacteria, endotoxins (toxins produced in the body), antigen-antibody complexes

  • makes and secretes bile

  • intricately involved in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism

  • stores minerals and vitamins

  • detoxifies and excretes into the bile various chemical compounds (hormones - thyroxine, cortisol, estrogen and aldosterone; histamine; drugs; pesticides)


  • regulates blood sugar levels

  • aids in digestion of foods

  • imbalance can cause hypoglycemia, diabetes, digestive difficulties, malabsorption


  • includes the liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas

  • can become compromised due to stress, inappropriate food combining and over-consumption of foods

  • repairing and rebuilding

an intact digestive system is essential to improving absorption of nutrients, regulating blood sugar levels, increasing immune response and balancing hormonal function


  • involved in regulation of the autonomic nervous system helping the body cope through extreme episodes of stress

  • involved in the retention and excretion of minerals

  • lifestyle, activity levels and diet are compromising the function of this gland


  • can be present when the pH of the urine is above 6.8 (fasting)

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