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Modern Food Processes

Where does our food come from? How does each food process affect the foods we consume? Knowing the facts behind different food processes can help determine the health benefits of different foods, which in turn helps in deciding which foods to consume. in North America, food production is subject to government regulation and safety testing.

  1. Organic: Food produced by natural pesticides as opposed to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, sewage sludge, growth hormones, and ionizing radiation.

  2. Local: Refers to the regional production, processing, distribution, and consumption of food. "Local food" does not necessarily mean organic." The purchase of such foods can benefit your local economy, and locally-produced food gives individuals the opportunity to be educated by local farmers on their production processes.

  3. Natural: Food that has been unaltered from its original state, minimally processed, and does not contain added colors, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances.

  4. Processed: The term "processed" refers to food that has been through a number of procedures that have altered it from its original state. This does not necessarily mean that processed food is any less nutritious, but that such food may include added preservatives, flavors, or nutrients, commonly to maintain freshness longer or to offer other health benefits.

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