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Are Energy Drinks Safe?

The health risks of energy drink consumption have been of growing concern to parents, due to the popularity of energy drinks among teens and children. It has been proven that all ages can safely consume these beverages, but only in moderation. Caffeine, one ofthe key ingredients in energy drinks, is safe if one's daily consumption is off-set by other sources in your daily diet. Most individuals can safely consume 300 mg of caffeine per day, excluding pregnant women and children under 12, which should consume less than 85 mg daily.

Drinking energy drinks in moderate amounts can boost one's energy, but too much caffeine can cause negative effects such as irritability, nervousness, sleeping problems, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure.

Side effects can also be caused if energy drinks are mixed with alcohol, over-consumed, mixed with certain medications, or used during exercise.

Caffeine Levels in caffeinated beverages:

  • Energy Drinks: 50-160 mg per 250m1(8.5 oz) can

  • Cup of coffee: 100 mg per 8 oz

  • Soft drinks: 40 mg per 12 oz.

It is recommended to read the contents label of an energy drink first before consumption to stay within safe consumption limits.

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